COST Action CA18218

Knowledge Translation Working Group

The Knowledge Translation Working Group focuses on the integration of knowledge translation in the burden of disease approach.

If you are interested in joining, contact Elena Pallari.

Knowledge Translation Workshop

On 17-18 April 2023, a workshop was organised at University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, aiming to compile good practices in knowledge translation. The workshop brought together 31 COST members and invited knowledge translation experts.

The 2-day workshop in Cork focused on the exchange of good practices and experienced obstacles in knowledge translation in relation to burden of disease (BoD). There were a large variety of country representatives, some of them doing or starting their own National BoD study, others doing a study in close collaboration with the Global Burden of Disease/IHME, and some of them in an earlier stage of BoD with analysis of epidemiological data. There was also interaction with Irish policy makers to broaden the perspective of researchers doing the BoD. The meeting also allowed work on objective 3: a more practical KT-roadmap for BoD, with a sound scientific KT-basis and the inclusion of current practices and experiences with BoD studies.

Download the workshop programme

Workshop presentations

The Italian GBD Initiative
— Lorenzo Monasta, IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste, Italy
The Global Burden of Disease Study Knowledge Translation in Poland
— Katarzyna Kissimova-Skarbek, Poland
Knowledge translation in relation to Burden of Disease in Denmark
— Aleksandra Davydova, DTU Food, Denmark
BURDEN 2020 for Users
— Aline Anton, RKI, Germany
The Belgian National Burden of Disease Study
— Vanessa Gorasso, Sciensano, Belgium

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