COST Action CA18218

[Webinar] Global burden of foodborne diseases

Wednesday 4 September 2024, 10h-11h CET

About the webinar

This webinar will delve into the critical topic of foodborne diseases, focusing on their assessment, global impact, and future estimates. Attendees will gain insights into evidence-based public health policies for disease prevention, including the burden and control of foodborne illnesses. The program will feature expert presentations on the latest research and strategies from leading institutions, including the World Health Organization's work towards estimating the global burden of these diseases by 2025. Join us for a comprehensive discussion on advancing food safety and public health.


10h00 Welcome and Introduction
— Carlotta di Bari, Sciensano, Belgium
10h10 Evidence based public health policy for disease prevention: the burden and control of foodborne diseases
— Sara Monteiro Pires, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
10h30 Presentation of WHO’s work on foodborne diseases and estimates for 2025
— Yuki Minato, WHO, Switzerland
10h50 General discussion


Sara Monteiro Pires

Dr Sara M. Pires is a senior researcher at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Her research focuses on estimating burden of foodborne and food-associated diseases, on source attribution of foodborne pathogens, and on risk-benefit assessments to provide evidence for national, regional, and international public health policy. Sara is a member of the World Health Organization Foodborne Disease Burden Epidemiology Reference Group (WHO/FERG).

Yuki Minato

Yuki Minato is the Technical Officer at the WHO Department of Nutrition and Food Safety. Her primary responsibility is leading WHO's efforts to estimate the global burden of foodborne diseases and managing the Foodborne Disease Burden Epidemiology Reference Group (FERG), WHO’s international technical advisory group. Yuki has played an instrumental role in developing IHR (2005) indicators and benchmarks for food safety. She is currently developing impact and outcome indicators to monitor food safety progress at the national, regional, and global levels. A native of Japan, Yuki's background is in public health, with a focus on nutritional epidemiology.


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