COST Action CA18218

[Webinar] Elicitation and practical use of disability weights for quantifying years lived with disability

Thursday 14 January 2021, 13h-14h CET

About the webinar

Disability weights are a crucial component of Disability-Adjusted LIfe Years, as they allow to translate ill-health into years of life lost due to disability. This webinar unravels how disability weights are derived and used, and zooms in on the Global Burden of Disease study disability weights.


13h00 Welcome & Introduction
— Prof Dr Brecht Devleesschauwer, Action Chair, Sciensano, Belgium
13h10 Elicitation of disability weights (with Q&A)
— Prof Dr Juanita Haagsma, Erasmus MC, Netherlands
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13h30 Disability weights in the Global Burden of Disease study (with Q&A)
— Prof Dr Theo Vos, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, USA
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13h50 General discussion


Juanita Haagsma
Juanita Haagsma

Juanita Haagsma, PhD, works at the Department of Public Health of the Erasmus MC University Medical Center in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Dr Haagsma’s career has evolved around injury epidemiology, outcome measurement and burden of disease methods research. From 2013 to 2016 she was Clinical Assistant Professor at the Department of Global Health at the University of Washington and part of the Global Burden of Disease research team responsible for developing methods and assessing the burden of disease of injuries. At the Department of Public Health of the Erasmus MC, she is a member of the Outcome and Health Technology Assessment research team. Juanita was the PI of several disability weights projects, including the 2013 European disability weights project. This study aimed to assess disability weights for 255 health states based on the responses of over 30,000 Europeans.

Theo Vos
Theo Vos

Theo Vos, MD, MSc, PhD, is a Professor of Health Metrics Sciences at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington. He is a key member of the research team for the landmark Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study, which is coordinated by IHME. In this role, he is working to improve the GBD methods, update sources of data, and develop partnerships with countries and disease experts to produce GBD estimates that are most relevant to policy decision-making. He is also focused on linking the epidemiological estimates from GBD to information on health expenditure and cost-effectiveness.


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